Authentic Snapshot of my Life

I haven’t taken many selfies lately (until the ones in the cover photo that I took last night).

My emotions have been all over the place (mostly down).

And I feel like I’ve been questioning everything about myself and my business (so it’s not surprising to say sales have been down for me for a little while now).

These aren’t fun things to talk about, especially in a sea of people trying to differentiate themselves as the best of the best in frankly really over-saturated fields, but that’s my truth.

So I’m starting to take my power back in real time.

I’m doing it scared.

I’m doing it wildly imperfectly.

I’m doing it while feeling really fucking shitty at times.

And I still keep doing it anyway.

And that’s why I’m the perfect authenticity & mindset coach for you.

I live my values every single day.

I do not and never will live a perfect life.

And I keep actively choosing myself anyway even when my voice shakes.

You deserve to be happy. You deserve to enjoy your life. And you deserve to own the badass power that only you have!


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