Are you ready to burn some shit and leave it in the past?

These monthly firepit gatherings, Release & Rise, are intended to be a supportive, vulnerable and open space for up to six people to share what they're ready to release and ready to call in for the next month.

Join us for the next one on Friday, Sept. 29 from 7-9 pm!

More information, including the address, will be sent from Jessica ( within 48 hours of the event. Reach out if you have any questions or problems!


There will be non-alcoholic drinks, water and snacks for everyone to enjoy as we get settled, and then Jessica will lead a group meditation and discussion.

Then, we'll write down what we're ready to release and burn them (safely!) in the firepit to further symbolize letting those things go and think about what we want to call in next and how we can move forward over the next month.


Sliding scale pricing is available for this event, so pick whatever price feels most aligned with you.

  • $20: Helps cover the cost of supplies

  • $30: Helps cover the cost of supplies and extra pay to the host

  • $40: Helps cover the cost of supplies, extra pay to the host and planning the next event